Friday, May 30, 2008

Are You Working on Your Health Education?

This week I had an eighty year old woman come into
my office with a book called:
"Celiac Disease - A Hidden Epidemic" by
Peter H.R. Green, M.D.

I was proud of her for striving to learn all
she could about her disease which she's had for
over twenty years. She knew her symptoms well,
knew which foods aggravated her, and how far
she could make it out of her house before she'd
be in trouble with diarrhea. Not a pleasant life
to be sure, but she had managed.

In a few short weeks we turned things around
for her. Mostly it was just getting the right
enzymes into her. She's a happy camper now!
She even did her big experiment of eating a
food she hadn't had for years. She did just fine.

I'm big on educating people about all aspects
of their disease. The problem I find is that
they look only at their initial symptoms and
not the big picture. The key is to look at the
body as a whole.

Once the offending issue is removed, whether
it's stress related, food related or whatever,
the next step is to feed the body the right
tools that it can begin the healing process.

Until next time,

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Health and Beauty Skin Care Lessons I've Learned

As I long for the days to be outside basking in
the sun instead of stuffed in my 'cave' (read-office)
I'm also aware of the damage the sun can cause.
Lots of people come to see me After the fact and
wonder why their skin is so dry and brittle even
though they use the best skin lotions.

I'm a strong proponent for taking care of the
Inside of my body. I've learned that when I'm
well hydrated, eating fresh fruits, keeping my
organs humming along my skin looks great.

As I'm now starting out my new decade of 50's,
I do notice that my skin is not as supple as
it once was. But do I really expect it to
look like my twenty-one year old daughters??

I did an experiment where I tried taking a
tablespoon of flaxseed for a few months but
the taste can gag a maggot! Then onto using
Vitamin E but that made my stomach feel
queesy. I ate lots of guacamole when I lived
in San Diego thinking the natural fats would
be good for me. I just ended up putting on
a few extra pounds.

Then I started rubbing my body down with
extra virgin olive oil after my showers. But
that only made me feel like a greased turkey!
I'm not one to use lots of lotions, since
I know most of them contain chemicals and
preservatives I don't want on my body.

I finally hit on a great way to take care
of my skin. About once a month I do a couple
of colonics, clean out my liver by taking
liver herbs, and rub my body with fine sea
salt crystals during my shower. Wow! Baby
smooth skin! I love the feeling!

I only do this a couple of days out of a
month and have found that my weight is staying
stable, my skin is glowing, I feel super!

Until next time,

Friday, May 16, 2008

Do You Really Need Vitamin Supplements?

Yesterday I had a woman come to my office with a
stack of mail she receives on a weekly basis trying
to get her to buy:
super probiotics
vitamin E
mega minerals
artery cleanser
Co Q10
and many more products all related to heart disease.

My client was in her 70's and already had major
heart surgery. She was trying to avoid another one
so she was trying all these supplements they were
promoting in the mail.

I don't have an issue with supplements. I definitely
feel there's a time and place for them.

But to rely on them solely thinking they will
heal your body is another issue. I have never
seen supplements actually heal a disease. They
might delay a disease. Or make people feel better
as long as they're taking them.

This woman never exercised (due to her pain),
ate a high fat diet, and was looking for a quick
fix either through supplements or a therapy.

Not going to happen without doing some major
lifestyle changes!

Until next time,

Friday, May 9, 2008

What I found out about Splenda

Splenda (brand name for sucralose) is a chlorocarbon.
That simple fact stopped me in my tracks because I
know that anything that is not a natural substance
will destroy my red blood cells.

A couple of days ago I was giving a talk for a group
of wonderful ladies ranging in the 60+ age or so.
ALL of them were on Splenda. They ALL believed the
media that this was just like sugar!

I was shocked!

After telling all my clients about the dangers of
aspartame over the years, I couldn't believe that this
was on repeat cycle with Splenda!

I double checked my notes.


The symptoms from aspartame are almost identical to

Here are the main symptoms that keep coming up:
~ up to 40% shrinkage of the thymus gland (one of the
main glands for the immune system)
~swelling of the liver and kidneys
~calcification deposits in the kidneys
~irritation of the bladder
~blood in the urine
~blurred vision
~swelling in the fingers and legs
~bloated abdomen
~blotch rashes on the hands, elbows, thighs (this is what
I see the most of in my office)
~muscle and joint aches

ck out:

Surprisingly, the ladies all went to lunch and
discussed their new found discovery and many of
them decided to stop using splenda. They called
and asked me what they can use to substitute.

The best is to use honey. Stevia is nice but has
such a unique flavor not everyone likes it.
Agave syrup, brown rice syrup are pretty exotic
for this bunch, so I recommended the honey, fructose,
turbinado sugar, or even molasses.

I'm waiting for the day when enough people learn that
the symptoms from Splenda are destroying their body.
Once there's enough awareness, it will be taken off
the market soon.

Until next time,
PS For those of you who may not know...Equal, and
Nutrasweet are the same as Splenda.