Saturday, March 1, 2008

Let's Begin to Stir the Pot!

I Love to stir the pot!


We tend to take things at face value -
we look at tv and believe many things that
they tell us.

We listen to radio and figure we're caught
up on world events.

But do we stop and THINK??

A perfect example is about the Splenda
controversy - almost everyone I talk to
thinks its not so bad. It's just a simple
little sugar that might have a few chemicals,
but nothing real harmful.

Do you really think that this fake sugar
industry is out to make you feel healthy or
sick??? Where do they profit from the most,
your health or your illness?

Big pharma, AMA, insurance companies are all
out to make sure you do NOT get well!

I don't even put the blame on doctors anymore
since they're just as brainwashed as the media
makes us out to be! In fact, if they don't
prescribe a certain amount of drugs according
to their protocol, they get written up!

Back to splenda...
This simple little 'sweetener' has no calories
and is supposed to be a simple way to have your
sweets and eat it too. No way folks! There are
serious side effects with this stuff.

Just type it into google...
splenda and side effects.

A nice alternative is to use other sweeteners:
brown rice syrup
agave syrup

Lots of choices here! The best is not to use
anything since sugar is an acid pH that will
not well in your body.

Let's start thinking about what the food
industry is trying to do to us and make
the RIGHT choices - foods that are hardly
processed at all. Staying happy by spending
at least an hour or two outside and watching
the clouds float by....sharing kind words
with those you love. It's a great way to start!

Until next time,
Dr. Judy

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