Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Microwaves Cut Your Life Short


You haven't heard how microwaves zap your food
so fast they actually KILL vital nutrients??

Russia and most of Eastern Europe outlawed
microwaves years ago. As usual, Americans are
a bit behind the times when it comes to their

Here's what you need to know about microwave
Microwaves are electromagnetic energy traveling
at the speed of light.
The radiation that microwaves produce changes
the molecular structure of food. Your body then
says."Hey what's this? This isn't food I can use!"
Then your body tries to get rid of it because it
looks at the radiated food as a toxin.

Microwaves have also been proven to change
the HDL/LDL values and ratios in your body.
Carcinogens (cancer causing) is formed in
almost all foods zapped by microwaves.

And the list goes on!

Check out this site for the details on
the dangers of microwave cooking...

Keep it simple folks - stir fry,steam, or
use your oven - but stay away from those

Until next time,
Dr. Judy

1 comment:

Charlestonjoan said...

You might check your sources about Russia. Microwaves are available and used.