Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Can You Live Without Health Insurance?

There was a discussion the other day about trying
to find health insurance that was reasonably priced.
Not only is hard to find insurance that doesn't cost
and arm and a leg...but other factors like being
able to afford the deductible, being qualified,
age, etc come into play.

Personally, I've never had health insurance, and
at 50 years of age not worried about ever getting
it. Here's why:

~ I don't think insurane companies will be there
when I really need them
. I see so many people suffering from
all kinds of diseases and thinking insurance will
cover them. Guess what? When they do finally go
in to see the doc, they end up paying tons for
either meds or therapy. They'll get you one way
or another!

~ I don't worry because I make sure to take
care of myself first
. Why would I end up paying
all that money on insurance, when I can pay
for fun and healthy therapies that prevent
disease?? Anyone for a massage?

~ I also like to enjoy life by not worrying
about day to day diseases
. This is something
none of the health insurance companies will
ever cover! By eating well, exercising, doing
relaxing fun therapies every week, I feel
great! Plus, because I've learned the tools
of healing, I feel in control of my health.

Until next time,
Dr. Judy

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