Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Getting kids on the healthy track

After raising 3 kids who are now all in their twenty
somethings, I realize how easy I had it. I stayed at
home. Homeschooled them. And cooked everything from
scratch. Not all moms have this luxury I know.

The upside of this lifestyle was that my kids worked
up healthy appetites and ate almost everything I put
in front of them. My one son would eat potato salad
and coleslaw instead of cake!

The downside was that financially it was an
absolute killer trying to survive! Thanks mom
for all your help during those years.

Whether you stay at home or not, you still have
to get your kids to eat their vegetables. Here's
some creative ways I used to do it...

Sipping juice instead of soda.

Making fresh vegetable juices is the easiest way
to get kids to 'eat' their vegetables. Carrot juice
is becoming more and more popular in the grocery
stores so you don't even have the mess of cleaning
up the juicer afterwards.

Take a large glass with a straw, and pour in the
carrot juice. I would recommend diluting it with
water since carrot juice can be very sweet.
Throw a cherry, grape, or other large piece of
fruit in. Now have them sip on the juice until
they 'find the cherry'!

Until next time,

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