Friday, May 30, 2008

Are You Working on Your Health Education?

This week I had an eighty year old woman come into
my office with a book called:
"Celiac Disease - A Hidden Epidemic" by
Peter H.R. Green, M.D.

I was proud of her for striving to learn all
she could about her disease which she's had for
over twenty years. She knew her symptoms well,
knew which foods aggravated her, and how far
she could make it out of her house before she'd
be in trouble with diarrhea. Not a pleasant life
to be sure, but she had managed.

In a few short weeks we turned things around
for her. Mostly it was just getting the right
enzymes into her. She's a happy camper now!
She even did her big experiment of eating a
food she hadn't had for years. She did just fine.

I'm big on educating people about all aspects
of their disease. The problem I find is that
they look only at their initial symptoms and
not the big picture. The key is to look at the
body as a whole.

Once the offending issue is removed, whether
it's stress related, food related or whatever,
the next step is to feed the body the right
tools that it can begin the healing process.

Until next time,

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